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18/08-11   -   Press releases

Win one of five personalised hooded tops with SkiHorizon & Slopeseeker

Throughout September, specially designed hooded tops will be given away to five lucky ski fans.

To celebrate the collaboration of snow holiday specialists SkiHorizon and Slopeseeker launching their own line of personalised hooded tops, five resort-branded hooded tops are being given away in a month long competition.

Each winner can choose a specific resort to appear on their sweatshirt from either Ischgl, Solden, Bardonecchia, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Avoriaz, Courchevel, Arosa, or Crans Montana.

To enter the competition, just head to or and follow the link to the competition website. The competition begins on September 1st and finishes on September 30th 2011. All you have to do is answer two simple questions. Those who answer correctly will get the chance to answer a final question to participate in the prize draw.

As well as picking the ski resort of you choice, you can also chose the colour and design, to make sure you make a splash on your next skiing holiday.

SkiHorizon is the European leader for ski holidays and mountain getaways, thanks to its huge range of mountain holidays. Regular promotions with Slopeseeker are planned for the 2011-2012 season. The new ski season kicks off soon and SkiHorizon and Slopeseeker are here to make sure everyone is well equipped before hitting the slopes.


About SkiHorizon
SkiHorizon is part of the Travel Horizon Group and has 10 years of experience in the ski holiday business.

As the European leader for winter sports holidays, SkiHorizon is able to offer a huge range of mountain holiday options in more than 300 French, Italian, Austrian, Swiss and German ski resorts.

About TravelHorizon
TravelHorizon is an international travel company and is active in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. TRAVELHORIZON GROUP, European N°1 in mountain holidays, featuring brands such as SkiHorizon, Totem, Halloween, SnowRental, Sportura and ChaletTravel. The group is present all across Europe, with main offices in the Netherlands and France.

The Group provides insightful information and the largest and most competitive choice of ski holidays in terms of geography, lodging types, availabilities and extra services.

TravelHorizon owns the following brands,,,,,,, and

To request the use or commissioning of articles and images from the Ski Holiday Guide, please contact:

Myriam Cervera,
The TravelHorizon Group,
455 avenue Galilée
Parc de la Duranne
13857 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3 - France,
Tel: +33(0)4 88 78 49 51

Press contacts


455 avenue Galilée, Parc de la Duranne
13857 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3, England

  +33 (0) 4 88 78 49 51

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